Sustainable products

For us, sustainability is more than just a promise. We rely on eco-friendly packaging, regional raw materials, and fair production conditions – for a better future.

[Translate to Englisch:] Basler Läckerli Nature aus natürlichen Rohstoffen

Naturalness of raw materials

Where it says Swissness, there's Swissness inside. At Läckerli Huus, we guarantee the highest quality by using Swiss ingredients. Our products are made with Swiss chocolate, flour, and sugar. We place great emphasis on sourcing locally and minimizing transport distances to ensure the freshness and sustainability of our products.

Our suppliers meet fair production conditions. Our chocolate supplier is certified by both the RFA Rainforest Alliance and the FSI Fairtrade Sourced Ingredient, while our hazelnut suppliers are committed to sustainable production in Turkey (amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative).

We avoid palm oils and fats, except for Flûtes, which are made exclusively with certified palm oils.

Our raw material highlights

Swiss butter
Swiss flour
Swiss milk
[Translate to Englisch:] Basler Läckerli Original hergestellt mit natürlichen Rohstoffen

Environmentally friendly packaging strategies

Our packaging materials adhere to the principles of avoiding, reducing, and recycling. This practice is continuously implemented and optimized. We avoid unnecessary plastics and rely on packaging materials made from recycled or recyclable materials. We also ensure that we source from suppliers with short transport distances, particularly those based in Switzerland. Our specialty tins come from suppliers that guarantee climate neutrality and compliance with human rights.

Design4Circularity advocates for the transition from plastic films to mono-films, recyclable PET trays, and secondary packaging made from recycled cardboard. Läckerli Huus is committed to building a circular economy through its industry organization, Promarca.

Recycled content in plastic bakery trays
[Translate to Englisch:] Verwendung von umweltfreundlichen Verpackungen mit hohem Recyclinganteil