
Läckerli Huus in brief

  • Owner-run company: Miriam Baumann-Blocher has been the owner since 2007
  • Production plants: Frenkendorf / Canton of Basel-Landschaft
  • Manufacturers of the Basler Läckerli Original, cream caramels, Gelée Russe, Pralinés, Truffes and other chocolate and biscuit specialties
  • Production of semi-finished goods and contract manufacturing
  • Sales: own stores, mail order/online shop, retail trade, customer gifts
different items in the product range. From standard to seasonal and individualised.
years of tradition and handmade products. Innovative capacity included.
employees committed to delivering top quality, day in, day out.

Sweet success for over 100 years

The Basler Läckerli Original is the flagship product of Läckerli Huus and has been a sweet success story for over 100 years. The young André Klein from the Bernese Oberland region joined a Basel confectionery as a partner in 1903 and took over the business a year later. Basler Läckerli were an integral part of the product range from the very beginning and they are still manufactured according to the same unchanged, original recipe to this very day. The finest ingredients, selected according to the strictest criteria, such as honey, almonds, hazelnuts, candied orange and lemon peel, superior spices and some Baselbieter Kirsch, form the basis of this Läckerli Huus classic.

With an awareness of the potential advertising impact, André Klein began very early on to package his specialities in painted biscuit tins. This has remained true to this day. Every year, particularly at Christmas time, Läckerli Huus surprises its customers with new, decorative gift and collectors' tins.

The traditional art of confectionery and a variety of shopping options

The highest standards of quality, right from the selection of the raw materials to the packaging and presentation in the stores, form the basis of our activities. The careful production of our specialities by our confectioner is not only achieved through application of the greatest expertise but also with a lot of love and passion.

Our products are produced and packaged in Frenkendorf near Basel, with much of the work being carried out by hand. The various Läckerli Huus specialities are sold in our own sales outlets throughout Switzerland. In recent years, our easy and convenient methods of ordering via our online shop, via our telephone order service or using our order form have become increasingly popular. Some of our favourite classics can also be found in retail stores.

Läckerli Huus today

Miriam Baumann-Blocher has been successfully managing the company since 2007. Over the past few years, the company's image has been modernised, the sales network has been expanded and the product range has been extended with the addition of new, innovative products.

Today, Läckerli Huus unites tradition and innovation: a wide variety of exquisite chocolate and biscuit specialities enrich our range of products. We place particular importance on providing a large selection of gift packagings, such as gift tins and assorted packages in which the different Läckerli Huus specialities can be put together.

We would like to continue to surprise our customers in the future with new chocolate and biscuit creations - and treat them to unsurpassed pleasure.

The highest standards of quality, right from the selection of the raw materials to the composition of our range of products and the variety of packaging, have always formed the basis of our activities.

The best, carefully selected ingredients and traditional confectioner skills

Only the best ingredients, selected carefully according to the strictest criteria, are used in our time-honoured recipes, passed down through the generations. The careful production of our specialities by our confectioner is not only achieved through application of the greatest expertise but also with a lot of love and passion. That's why regularly making new creations poses a particularly appealing challenge.

An exquisite range of Läckerli Huus specialities

We offer our steadily growing number of satisfied customers a wide selection of exquisite Läckerli Huus specialities, such as the incomparable Basler Läckerli Original, the unique cream caramels, the tempting Gelée Russe, the crispy filled variations of Flûtes de Bâle as well as other selected chocolate and biscuit specialities.

Attractive gift packagings

We are convinced that each and every speciality from Läckerli Huus is also perfect as a gift! We are particularly proud of our seasonally changing tins and the assorted packagings in which we arrange the various Läckerli Huus specialities, which always provide a nice surprise.

We take it as a great compliment if you find it difficult to decide what to choose from our large selection of attractive packages.

The Läckerli Huus brand

The Läckerli Huus premium brand includes the authentic Basler Läckerli Original, which offers fantastic quality with its traditional and unmistakable recipe, as well as further specialities from our company, all of which fulfil the same high demands with regard to quality, individuality, value, taste and enjoyment.